Final Conference in Ghent, Belgium on 14 December 2023

The V-BAR concluding conference, hosted at Ghent University on December 14, 2023, centred on addressing MVT throughout European Member States. The discussions brought attention to the rapid increase in organised vehicle crime since 2011, with experts emphasising the difficulties of recovering stolen vehicles and the need for improved law enforcement and collaboration among stakeholders. The European barrier model was a significant subject during the discussion, which identifies facilitators and opportunities that enable crime.

The conference also explored specific initiatives and national strategies for combating MVT. The topics covered in the discussion were enhancing the accuracy of MVT data and vehicle identification, the operational techniques employed by MOCGs in France, and the national strategies implemented in the Netherlands and Belgium that emphasise prevention, swift response, and challenges related to GDPR compliance. The discussion also addressed the growing problem of cross-border insurance fraud that has arisen since the implementation of Europe’s free movement policy in 1993, as well as the widespread issue of leasing fraud in France. This highlighted the necessity for a standardised definition of leasing fraud and improved sharing of data between EU MS and the private sector.

The event ended with an agreement on the pressing need to tackle MVT through cooperative, inventive, and comprehensive barriers. A crucial lesson learned is the significance of adjusting prevention and law enforcement strategies to keep up with the changing characteristics of vehicle crime. This emphasises the necessity of continuous research and collaboration between the public and private sectors.




Policy Conference “A Barrier model approach to vehicle crime”

The team behind the Vehicle Crime Barrier will be hosting a policy conference on 14 December 2023 in Ghent, Belgium, to explore the results from developing a comprehensive cross-border barrier model to hamper organised vehicle crime within the EU. The event will feature decision-makers, civil servants, and experts who will be discussing barrier model approach to hinder motor vehicle theft, the profile of vehicle crime perpetrators and possible ways to prevent and disrupt the transportation and trade of stolen vehicles and vehicle parts.


You can register for the conference here.

Invitation for the event is available here.

The programme for the event is accessible here.


V-BAR had the privilege to take part in the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society of criminology taking place between 6 and 9 September 2023 in Florence, Italy. Catherine Monbailliu, Sonja John, Atanas Rusev, Klaus von Lampe presented the problem of vehicle crime in the EU and the barrier model approach, the profile of vehicle crime perpetrators, focusing on MOCG and possible barriers to preventing entry and use of infrastructure in EU member states. They highlighted the preparation and commission of vehicle crimes, whether technological or situational prevention barriers should be prioritised, as well as possible barriers to preventing and disrupting transportation and trade of stolen vehicle parts.

Transnational Workshop on Motor Vehicle Theft: Case Studies and EU Barrier Model Development


Over the past two days, V-Bar held a workshop, hosted by Centrum voor Criminaliteitspreventie en Veiligheid, and in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Democracy, Gent University and the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy, European Network on Administrative Approach, as well as the Dutch and French police. The primary aim of this workshop was to present case studies on motor vehicle theft from six EU countries, namely Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, and the Netherlands.



During the workshop, experts discussed the development and implementation of an EU barrier model to counteract motor vehicle theft and online distribution of stolen parts and vehicles by mobile organized crime groups. Following a thorough evaluation of these barrier modes, V-BAR will present them in a compiled handbook.



Below you can find the presentations from the event

Belgian Barrier Model – Catherine Monbailliu & Jelle Janssens 

Bulgarian Barrier Model – Dr Atanas Rusev

French Barrier Model – Nacer Lalam

German Barrier Model – Klaus von Lampe & Sonja John 

Italian barrier model – Dr Veronica Marchio

Dutch Barrier Model – Dominique Rademaker

V-BAR Project Launch

Ghent University, the Center for the Study of Democracy, and the Centre for Crime Prevention and Safety launched the EU-funded project “Combating organised vehicle crime by developing barriers to prevent the facilitation of online distribution of stolen vehicles and vehicle parts” (V-BAR). 

V-BAR will investigate organised property crime in the form of motor vehicle crime, including motor vehicle theft and online distribution of stolen vehicle parts. The objective of the project is to map the criminal markets concerning motor vehicle theft in the EU. Based on the logistical process of motor vehicle theft in six selected EU Member States, a European barrier model of organised vehicle theft and stolen vehicle parts will be developed. 

The V-BAR project’s results will aim to support and enhance operational cooperation between EU law enforcement authorities and other public and private stakeholders in the field of motor vehicle crime. 

Make sure to visit the project website to keep up with updates, publications, and news or get in touch with us via the Contact section.